Why Choose aquafilUS

Because our proven track record means…

  • YOU will be heard
  • YOUR needs will be met
  • YOUR satisfaction is our priority
  • YOU have a large range of units to choose from with a range of optional features

We will provide…

  • QUALITY designs
  • EXCELLENCE in manufacturing
  • COST EFFICIENT and LONG LASTING products and systems, and

We are…

  • COMMITTED to providing a memorable customer experience

What we do

The range of aquafilUS water refill stations and  drinking fountains are a testament to a passionate team. A team of thinkers, designers, problem solvers and inventors who don’t see obstacles, only challenges.

For more than two decades, we have listened and created fresh, modern and sustainable solutions for building a better tomorrow.

Your challenges – Our inspiration

When approached by a local Council with a request to retrofit taps onto the existing signage to provide fresh filtered water to the public, a new design was born. Since then it has grown into a unique diverse range of water refill stations and drinking fountains.


We have been around since 1990, after recognizing the importance of  designing and manufacturing high quality, cost efficient and long lasting sustainable products for the public environment.

Our diverse list of clients include government bodies and authorities, schools and tertiary institutions and high profile private sector companies.

With a sustainable and environmental emphasis, our products and designs enhance the natural and public environment.

Helping create a better way of life for the community

Today and Beyond

The aquafilUS  designs and manufacturing process reflect our passion for the environment. Every step in the manufacturing process is as clean, green and as sustainable as possible keeping our environmental impact to an absolute minimum.

We focus on improving the eco-efficiency of our manufacturing systems to reduce energy, water consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. This reduction in energy costs also reduces production costs resulting in a WIN-WIN solution for our clients and the environment.

Creating a better environment today for a more sustainable tomorrow

aquafilUS – Refresh for Life

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